Betty Boop |
Popeye The Sailor |
Felix The Cat |
Public domain stock footage of the original "IT" girl, Betty Boop. With her independent streak and burlesque-like charms showed a crystal ball to the future of the modern media woman. |
Public domain stock footage of Popeye The Sailor, who originally started out as a popular comic strip and transfered to a popular cartoon career with Olive Oyl, Brutus, Wimpy and Sweet Pea. |
Public domain stock footage of Felix The Cat with his distinctive black and white design, in some instances he became more popular than the current hollywood stars and World leaders at the time. |
Casper |
New Three Stooges |
Mel-O-Toons |
Public domain stock footage of Casper The Friendly Ghost who against ghostly mores prefers to make friends rather than trying to scare them and through dogged determination wins them over. |
Public domain stock footage of The New Three Stooges with a live action wrap around of the actual Three Stooges, then a cartoon version of Moe, Larry and Curley fumbling through some crisis. |
Public domain stock footage of Mel-O-Toons which typically revolved around a well known & beloved folk tale, biblical story, Greek mythology and a small smattering of original stories. |
Tom And Jerry |
Hunky And Spunky |
Gabby And Friends |
Public domain stock footage of Tom And Jerry. Sorry no cat or mouse here, this is the original 1930's Tom and Jerry as they go about their business in a rather unusual and bizarre toon World. |
Public domain stock footage of Hunky And Spunky, a Mother and Son burro duo who get involved in all sorts of of adventures and get out of their problems by using their wits and perseverance. |
Public domain stock footage of Gabby And Friends as know it all Gabby who is long on sage advice but short on practical experience who loves to take charge with hilarious consequences. |
Max Fleischer Toons |
UB Iwerks Toons |
Walter O. Gutjohn Toons |
Public domain stock footage featuring a range of Max Fleischer cartoons ranging from Greedy Humpty Dumpty, Kids In The Shoe, The Cobweb Hotel, Fresh Vegetable Mystery and more. |
Public domain stock footage featuring a range of Max Fleischer cartoons ranging from The Big Bad Wolf, Little Black Sambo, Sinbad The Sailor, The Three Bear, Simple Simon and more. |
Public domain stock footage featuring a range of Walter O. Gutjohn cartoons ranging from Merry Kittens, Parrotville Old Folks, Scotty Finds A Home, Spinning Mice and more. |
Ray Harryhausen Shorts |
Christmas Cartoons |
Miscellaneous Toons |
Public domain stock footage featuring a range of short subjects by Ray Harryhausen the Master of stop motion as he uses this technique to bring a variety of fables and folk tales to life. |
Public domain stock footage featuring a range of Christmas Holiday cartoons ranging from Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, Christmas Night, Santa's Surprise, Snow Foolin' and more. |
Public domain stock footage featuring a range of Misc. cartoons ranging from Molly Moo Cow, Little Red School Mouse, Toonerville Trolley, Yankee Doodle Donkey, Picnic Painic and more. |